11th Coloring for the adults Contest

Coloring for the adults
It's a healing flower the law of nature
Japanese plum and Japanese white-eye
Mr. Toshio Tanaka, Kyoto Prefecture
To win an award for coloring at the age of eighty-eight! "I had no idea." I was surprised. Are you happy? Thank you.

Coloring for the adults
Landscape you meet on a trip
Mr. Yoyo Okuda, Nara Prefecture
I was completely hooked on Coloring for the adults which I started with the intention of practicing watercolor painting, so I applied for the first time.
I am filled with surprise and joy when I receive the award notification and mug. I would like to look at this one-of-a-kind mug every day as my treasure.
I felt like I was in Chefchaouen, the "blue city" of this painting, and finished it with an awareness of the texture, light and shadow while looking at the model.
Receiving this award will be a great encouragement for me in the future. I'm really thankful to you.

Easy coloring for the adults
Flowers fit for a gift
pansies, violas and chicks
Mr. Suei Kou Shimazaki from Ibaraki Prefecture
Shhh! A parcel delivery service with an invoice with a "Daiso Publishing mug". This is my first shout of joy.
My daughter recommended it to me in the spring, and I started it casually, but now I'm completely fascinated by its profundity. I entered the contest without any confidence, but unexpectedly, I was given "the one and only my cup in the world".
Thank you very much to all the judges and everyone in the Daiso Publishing who gave me this opportunity. I will use it carefully.

Easy coloring for the adults
Fruits and flowers of the four seasons
Mandarin Orange and Himalayan Bluetail
Ms. Asami Saegusa, Tokyo
When I received the package from the postman, I was surprised to see the name of the sender!!
With the blue sky in the background, delicious-looking mandarin oranges and redstart perched on the ground. In order to express the details, I layered the colors over and over again and took my time.
Thank you for your time and lovely mugs.

Easy coloring for the adults
Scenery that makes you want to travel
A single cherry tree in Kamibo Makino
Mr. Sumirei Takahashi, Shiga Prefecture
Thank you for the mug. I was deeply moved by the beautifully printed details, such as the colors and the texture of the colored pencils.
I mainly used colored pencils as materials, and used crayons, acrylic gouache, and pencils for finishing. In order to make it look colorful, we avoided dull colors such as brown, black, and gray, and layered colors with different hues to express complex colors.
Thank you very much for your application.
This time, we received applications from people of all ages. We are still looking for submissions. Please apply.
*The next excellent work is scheduled to be announced around February 2023.

Click here for how to apply!